iOS 8 Video Previews

With today's release of iOS 8, developers can now use video previews in the App Store as a way of showing off their app. We believe this is going to be huge for App Developers and end users as well.

When users are in the App Store on their iPhone or iPad, they'll be able to watch a video, previewing the app. And if done correctly, a good video could mean a lot more downloads of your app.


Apple has put pretty strict constraints on what the video can and can't contain. For instance, you can't have any live footage (e.g. finger tapping the screen), but you can have animated graphics to simulate such a tap (e.g. animated ripple effect).

While most of our work at Wick Video involves character animation, we've also done several high-end screencast videos, and now we're ready to start making videos specifically for the App Store.

Want a high quality iOS Video Preview for your app? Talk to us